Introduction When it comes to growing a website or brand, email marketing has become one of the most important ways to accumulate, keep, and engage an audience after a smart SEO-focused blog. But it remains a difficult and tedious task to put an email list together for your next newsletter. Luckily, tools have become more

How to Create URL Subdirectories in Ghost
Subdirectories help you group content by subject matter and allow users to find additional information on your site about topics they are interested in. Ghost makes it easy to create subdirectories. Here’s an overview of the process: Ghost Posts vs Pages It may seem like we should be using pages (in the Ghost terminology)

nofollow links in Ghost
Along with good content, links are the most important aspect of your site. They are a significant factor in page ranking, and they help users navigate your content. In this guide, we’ll go over HTML links, including how to add ‘nofollow’ links in the Ghost editor. We’ll show a quick and easy process for generating