Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a website page speed metric and one of Google’s three Core Web Vitals.

What Does ‘Above the Fold’ Mean For Web Pages?
Any article you read about web performance will inevitably contain the term ‘above the fold’ to describe initial page content.
Learn More… from What Does ‘Above the Fold’ Mean For Web Pages?

What Is Speed Index In Lighthouse?
Speed Index is a metric used to generate your web page’s Lighthouse report. Let’s take a look at what this is and why you should optimize it.

What Are Google’s Core Web Vitals?
Core web vitals are an updated set of metrics focused on the user experience on each page on its search results. The health of a page will determine how easy it is to use by the searcher.

Website Ideas for Your New Business
Do you want to launch your own website but can’t pin down an idea? If you know where to look, there are plenty of opportunities on the internet.

Do Cookies Slow Down My Computer?
When you think of cookies, you might imagine delicious treats. However, those cookies on the computer can cause more harm than good. You can pick up cookies from visiting certain sites, where they store personal information about you.

Customizing a Ghost Theme
Ghost-based sites can be customized to look any way you want by modifying the theme. Anything that can be done with HTML, CSS or JS can be done via a Ghost theme. You get the look and feel you want without having to heavily optimize the site afterwards.