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Small Business SEO Strategies That Work

Several different things are required for any individual or business to achieve and maintain a successful online presence. One of the most important things is compliance with search engine optimization (SEO), which largely determines if Google will show your content to people online when they search for specific information. Small businesses who don’t correctly follow SEO mandates or make fair use of solid SEO strategies are very unlikely to see much if any success. But suppose small companies are able to find and use an effective SEO strategy. In that case, they will observe growth in their website traffic, more brand visibility in the market, and higher revenue. This allows small businesses to grow stronger online while also increasing their opportunities to make sales.

The Importance of SEO Strategies

SEO is a critical component of creating healthy and successful online content that can attract readers to your work and keep them there. Keeping on top of SEO strategies and requirements is critical in creating effective content online that Google’s engine crawlers will approve of. If you meet SEO requirements, Google is much more likely to approve your content and deem it useful. It will then show your work to others when they enter their inquiries into the search engine.

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Best SEO Strategies for Small Businesses

As a small business online, you need to know how to be not only compliant with SEO requirements of search engines, but you also have to know how to leverage particular SEO strategies in your favor to outrank your competition on Google. Without a proper SEO strategy, your website isn’t likely to appear in people’s search results, even if your content is exactly what someone might need to answer their inquiry. Organic searches (when people search a term or question and then select a SERP link) drives as much as 50% of all web traffic for B2C and B2B.

A tablet showing data on a desk with a smartphone and coffee cup in the background.

Conducting keyword research and learning about which terms and phrases will attract potential readers who are searching their inquiries through Google is incredibly important if you want to write compelling articles. By discovering what people are searching for, you can target your work and write about information that will be useful to them. But if you don’t know how to do this for yourself, that’s alright. There are many valuable and free tools at your disposal online that can help you conduct and make the best use of your keyword research, like Alexa’s Competitor Keyword Matrix.

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2. Streamline Structure for Content Marketing

Conducting effective content marketing takes a considerable amount of time and energy, so it’s important to consider anything you can do to expedite your writing processas long as it doesn’t impact the quality of your work. For example, you can use templates for different types of assignments you take on. Many articles are structured in the same way, and things like landing pages tend to follow a relatively consistent format. By making use of templates, you save yourself the hassle of always having to come up with article outlines from scratch. Additionally, you can also use videos to streamline your content since they are typically easier to make than an article post. You can also leverage your social media networks to promote your work.

3. Create High-Quality Content

It’s not enough to simply follow SEO requirements and answer a few questions for Google search queries. Websites, especially websites for small businesses, should be useful to readers and contain high-quality content. Almost half of the small companies that possess a specific SEO strategy actively create high-quality web content to support that overall strategy. Of course, what is considered useful and high-quality depends on both a company’s industry and the audience they are serving. Small online businesses are not limited only to long and short-form written content to attract an audience. They should conduct keyword research to see what other kinds of content people are actively searching for.

Illustrations of a tablet, laptop, and smartphone all showing the same website.

4. Putting Together Mobile-Friendly Landing Pages

More people are using their phones, tablets, and other mobile devices to search the web instead of using traditional computers than ever before. Because of this, it’s a good idea for small businesses to construct mobile-friendly landing pages. Better yet, companies can make it so their entire website is compatible and can work effectively with mobile platforms. Google strongly values well-constructed websites that can provide information quickly, no matter what platform people are using. Investing in the development of a high-quality, mobile-responsive website is something small businesses would be wise to consider, especially now that Google is utilizing mobile-first indexing to determine SEO value.

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Final Words

SEO guidelines largely form the foundation of any quality website that has a chance at receiving a page one ranking as part of Google’s search results, and this is why it’s critical for small businesses to develop and make the most of SEO strategies. By using relevant keywords, streamlining content marketing processes, creating high-quality content, and developing mobile-friendly websites, small businesses can help to ensure that they don’t fall behind their competition in the online world. All of these things are crucial for small businesses to be able to attract an audience and succeed in an online environment.

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